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BEC Seminar 4: Patrick Maloney talks about technology transfer offices

Biotech Entrepreneurship Coalition seminar 4, held at USC on March 13th 2018, featured Patrick Maloney, JD, Licensing Associate at USC Stevens Center for Innovation.

Patrick provided the audience with great insights on how offices for technologies commercialization can assist new start-ups in developing and marketing their inventions. He also elucidated how to navigate the commercialization process from IP protection, business development, licensing and all the way to product sales and technology impact.

We all know that transitioning from a university scientist position to an entrepreneur can be very challenging, so the USC Stevens Tech Commercialization team provides open office hours for the curious minds.

We would like to thank the LARTA Institute for sponsoring this seminar.

This event was the last of the BEC seminar series of 2017-2018. Stay tuned for the next series, it would be great see you there!

If you are interested in being a speaker or if you have any topic suggestion for future seminar, please contact us at

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