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BCLA’s South Bay Biotech Mixer: Another successful networking event!

Last Monday night on March 21st BCLA’s South Bay Biotech Mixer took place at the LA Biomed campus in Torrance. Aside from great food, free drinks and many networking opportunities the mixer featured three special guest speakers; Calvin Chen, Director of Business Development and Technology Transfer at LA Biomed, Kevin Bruhn, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer of Science37, Inc., and Matt Bresnahan, Intellectual Property Associate at WSGR.

Mr. Chen began the presentations by introducing LA Biomed and highlighting its areas of strength and expertise in startup creation and patent publishing. Dr. Bruhn spoke on behalf of the innovation at Science37, Inc., where doctors bring clinical trials to patients via a fast, but robust virtual platform. Lastly, Mr. Bresnahan explained the legal side to making advances in science, discussing patent law basics and terms for research institution spinouts with the audience.

Dozens of graduate students, post docs, and industry professionals networked and gained insight into the current trends in biotech. Thanks to our sponsors LA Biomed and WSGR, and everyone who attended the mixer who made the event a huge success!

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