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Symposium – New Frontiers in Drug Discovery for Autism Spectrum Disorder


Last week we hosted a one-day symposium on drug discovery for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We were very pleased that four world-renowned experts in the field joined us as speakers. The presentations from Dr. Daniel Geschwind, who was our keynote speaker, Dr. James McCracken, Dr. Tom Otis and Dr. Daniel Campbell provided a very comprehensive overview on the current state of the ASD research landscape. Data and opinions on genetics, pathology, treatments and clinical trials were presented and discussed.

We were positively surprised by the turnout, given we had a full house of active attendees who where asking great questions and engaging in conversations, both during the meeting and afterwards at the lunch with the speakers. We are confident that we are doing things the proper way, and are determined to keep it up for our upcoming events, not only for the BCLA members but also for everybody who attends our events. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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