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Westside Mixer at Expert Dojo brings together Tech and Biotech Communities

Networking is essential to the growth and resilience of the biotech community in LA. Our first biotech mixer at Expert Dojo brought together professionals from academia, tech, biotech, intellectual property, and business development, among others.

We greeted our guests around 6 pm with an open bar serving beer and wine. Around 7 pm, after a brief address from Llewellyn Cox of LabLaunch and BCLA’s Outreach and Marketing Lead Yari Fontebasso, Brian Mac Mahon of Expert Dojo kicked things off by giving attendees the floor. People were able to ask questions directly to all other attendees and in turn received specific advice on how to address and overcome their challenges. This mastermind session set the tone for the evening and promoted an atmosphere that encouraged new connections. The guests found it easy to approach others from vastly different fields to discuss biotech concepts from different perspectives. Events like the Westside Mixer, will knit the tech and biotech communities into a mutually beneficial web of resources.

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